- Seeking the interest and welfare of blind and partially sighted women in general and members of the wing in particular.
- Serving as a mouth-piece and pressure group of all blind and partially sighted women in line with GBU approved methods and channels.
- Serving as a conduit for information and communication between members of the Wing and GBU as well as other civil society organizations.
- Fostering good relations between the wing and the outside world
- Presenting the views of the members through the appropriate channels to GBU, Parliament, Ministries , Departments and Agencies as well as Government to help them assess correctly and deal with peculiar issues and problems pertaining to blind and partially sighted Women.
- Raising awareness on the capabilities of blind and partially sighted women in general and members of the Wing in particular
The Governance structure of the Women’s Wing is modelled on GBU structure with the National Executive Council consisting of National President, the 1st Vice President, 2nd Vice President and a representative from the Youth & Students Wing plus the ten Regional Coordinators. This makes the total number of the council fourteen. The National Executives are elected every four year.
The regional branches of WW are headed by the Regional coordinators who are responsible for the implementation of activities. The GBU WW is represented in all the 10 regions of the country. All 10 regions have Regional Executive Councils which comprise of all the District presidents and the youth representative in the region. The Regional council meets twice in a year to take decisions and share information. Also, at the Regional Council, all the districts presidents meet to elect the regional coordinator.
The WW District Executive council structure comprises of the District president, Vice president, Secretary, Asst. Secretary, Treasurer and the PRO. The District Executive Council takes and share decisions at the district level.
The Women’s Wing has achieved a number of successes, namely:
- Successfully implemented two projects funded by DPOD.
- Setting up of Advocacy structured both at the national and regional level for the implementation of all advocacy activities.
- Successful implementation of neem seed oil extraction project in the three northern regions of Ghana (pilot).
- Trained over 90 bps women in neem seed oil and also set them up with seed capital.
- Collaboration established with a research institution in Ghana to train bps women in neem seed oil extraction
This project aims to improve the situation of women with a visual impairment in Ghana by raising awareness and empowering blind and partially sighted women to engage in advocacy efforts as well as organisational work. The project is directed at influencing both decision makers and the general public. Also, the project targets both the leadership and general membership of GBU in order to build skills in working with a gender approach that can benefit both men and women with visual impairments in future initiatives by GBU.
Goal: An inclusive society where the dignity and rights of both men and women (boys and girl) with visual impairments are respected.
Objective one: By the end the project period BPS women and men are knowledgeable about relevant legislation and engage in advocacy work at national, regional and district level.
Objective two: By the end of the project period GBU members, leaders and staff have built their capacity within working with a gender sensitive approach and both men and women (members) assume leadership positions.